Making a Difference


September 2022

I love to hear the stories of InFaith missionaries making a difference in people’s lives. Bill and Patsy Curry serve in one of the most under resourced neighborhoods in the United States, and, by God’s immeasurable grace, they are faithful and fruitful, and they are reaping an amazing harvest. Some of those they’ve ministered to have reached out recently to thank the Currys for making a difference in their lives. Here are their stories: 

Tom R.: “I’ll be 41 in July, and as you see for yourself a lot of people don’t make it out of Kensington. Not sure how much you remember but like most kids I’m sure, I had a really horrible home life. One day in particular my Dad high out of his mind and had just severely beat my Mom with an object. People from RUN (now Cornerstone) were walking the neighborhood and saw me and my little sister out front crying. Our front windows were open and they heard my Dad yelling and I can only assume they saw my Mom beaten. They took us to the church and let us play basketball and gave us food. I remember you locking the gate and telling the young man who was there with us to not let anyone in or out until a family member comes and gets us. Eventually we got home, but what you don’t know is my father went to prison for 10 years that day. And according to police had every intention of hurting every one of us kids. So I owe you guys for that! I actually used to go to churches and other places, before Covid, and tell my life story. And I always mention RUN (Cornerstone) and that story... Sorry for the long message lol but this is the first chance I’ve ever got to thank you guys personally.”

Dawn K.: “I don’t know if u guys would remember me, but I use to live in your Redemption House. I took a little piece of all of u with me. You are all AMAZING people. How do you thank somebody for giving u back your life. Thank you for turning me onto God. I thank God every day for that church... I love you guys and my walk with Jesus is stronger than EVER!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Ed Cuthbert grew up in Bill’s teen ministry. And he just joined InFaith. Ed is an Army Chaplain Candidate. He came to faith at age 18 at Cornerstone Community Church in Philadelphia, under Bill Curry as senior pastor. While at Cornerstone, he served in youth ministry as a leader in the Teen Club, administered bible studies to youth and adults, participated in outreach in the community through events, VBS, and After-School Clubs. Ed graduated from Lancaster Bible College with a BS in Biblical Studies. Currently, he is pursuing an M.Div. at Columbia International University. Recently, Ed was a Staff Sergeant in the Missouri National Guard as a Religious Affairs Specialist (RAS). He has served as an Infantryman for 13 years total and was deployed to Iraq in June 2004 to November 2005 with the PAARNG. Ed writes, “While deployed, God revealed that the Chaplaincy is the profession He wants me to serve to reach soldiers with the gospel. Having seen how soldiers respond to trials while in a war zone has allowed me to encourage soldiers to press onward no matter the circumstance.”

Jonathan S.: Jonathan attended Cornerstone’s Kids Club and Teen Club for many years. Bill has had a longtime friendship with his family. Jonathan has expressed his appreciation for the Currys’ ministry many times. A few months ago, he started attending on Sundays and brought 3 friends. He recently posted on Facebook, “I will always serve the Lord Jesus Christ”.