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Bob & Dona Pedigo

Field Staff

Coos Bay, OR
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Pastorate Prison Seniors Give

Bob and Dona Pedigo have seen the need for ministry to seniors, prisoners, and the “unchurched” in the small city and rural areas they serve...

Tom Hiscox profile pic 2023

Tom Hiscox

Field Staff

Portland, OR
United States

Area Ministry Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Seniors Urban Ministry Give

Tom Hiscox is serving as an area missionary in Northwest Oregon, encouraging, equipping, advising, and assisting the leaders of the 20+ small churches and mission...


Brett & Cindy Belleque

Field Staff

Toledo, OR
United States

Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Young Adult Give

Brett and Cindy Belleque serve throughout the US with InFaith's field staff. They live in Toledo, Oregon. Cindy works in the Newport, Oregon School system...


Ed & Fran Renk

Field Staff

Eastern, OR
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

Ed and Fran Renk serve in rural areas of eastern Oregon. Ed is involved in release-time Bible classes in six county schools, where he teaches...

David Dick

David & Pam Dick

Field Staff

Eastern, WY
United States

Area Ministry Camping Church Planting Discipleship Rural Ministry Give

David and Pam Dick’s main goal is to evangelize and disciple those in their rural community to live out their faith on a daily basis...


Dan & Star Robinson

Field Staff

Cave Junction, OR
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Give

Dan and Star Robinson minister to their neighbors in this counter-cultural (hippie) area through a church that has been in place since the late sixties...


Jon & Jerilyn Sousa

Field Staff

Willamette Valley, OR
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Give

Jon and Jerilyn Sousa serve Spanish-speaking immigrants in the Willamette Valley. Since their start in 1986, they have planted two Spanish-speaking churches, and are still...


Steven & Sofi Boyle

Field Staff

Portland, OR
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Seniors Young Adult Give

Steven and Sofi Boyle lead seven different worship and discipleship ministries in Columbia Community Bible Church, and also participate in three community groups outside the...

Portland, OR
United States

Cave Junction, OR
United States

Coos Bay, OR
United States

Willamette Valley, OR
United States

Eastern, WY
United States

Eastern, OR
United States

Portland, OR
United States

Toledo, OR
United States