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John Cecere

John Cecere


Bulter County, OH
United States

Area Ministry Disability Disaster Relief Discipleship Seniors Single parents Small Churches Widow Ministry Give

John’s ministry is centered on fostering Kingdom growth through local outreach. From his experience, when the church walks alongside individuals and families in their time...


Glenn & Dee Luppold

Field Staff

Lancaster, OH
United States

Seniors Give

Glenn and Dee Luppold serve in an area of Ohio that is largely comprised of senior adults and baby boomers. As the senior population in...

Jody and Beth Stevens

Jody & Beth Stevens

Field Staff

South Central, OH
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Discipleship Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

In south-central Ohio, Jody and Beth Stevens serve through Vacation Bible Schools. They offer leadership training classes for the purpose of training leaders to serve...


Mark Kuhnell

Field Staff

Cincinnati, OH
United States

Discipleship Give

Mark Kuhnell disciples men in the Greater Cincinnati area. He mentors and leads men in Biblical truth in a close authentic relationship. Mark challenges men...

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Ric & Judy Hammond

Retired Field Staff

Xenia, OH
United States

Seniors Give

Support Ric & Judy Hammond as they continue their retirement with InFaith.

Xenia, OH
United States

Lancaster, OH
United States

Cincinnati, OH
United States

Bulter County, OH
United States

South Central, OH
United States