Showing 1 - 10 of 120 results
Media Page

InFaith - Why We Reach the Nation

missionary walking with Comfort
At the end of the day, the mission is very clear: serving those who are more disenfranchised gives you a closer look at the ways of Jesus. – Emily Mitchell, Full-time missionary in Philadelphia, PA. As a nation, we are broken, lost, and in desperate need of hope. When people feel like there's no one who can help them or...

Newsletter Word Template

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Download the InFaith Newsletter Word Template here.

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Moral Injury


Deputized Fundraising

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Refresh Invitation 2024

infaith eggplant logo banner

We are pleased to make this your official invitation to attend our Refresh Conference, April 22 – 25, 2024. This conference will be at Mount Hermon Conference Center in Felton, CA. Their website is:

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Local Reach: Port Orchard, Washington

Larry and Vonnie Pratt ministry story
A story of reaching local and changing lives in Port Orchard, Washington, with Larry and Vonnie Pratt. Sometimes God places you in the right place at the right time. InFaith missionaries Larry and Vonnie Pratt are puppeteers who travel all over the West Coast—and didn’t realize how important their next performance would be.
Media Page

Doris and Dave's ministry update

Enjoy Doris and Dave's ministry update video!
Media Page

Local Reach: Milford, Kansas

Kiah and her group of friends from camp
At 16 years old, Kiah was struggling with anxiety and depression. She was isolating from her parents and hanging out with friends who encouraged her in gender identity struggles. She had turned her back on the God of her childhood. She was angry all the time, considered herself gender fluid, and agnostic. “But God was working even when I wasn’t...

Summer Staff Financial FAQs pdf download

Media Page

The Mira Kim Candidate Story

Mira Kim in front of banner
Mira Kim’s Candidate Story: The Journey to Ministry “From a very young age I knew that I lived between two different cultures. When I became a youth missionary it became very clear that God was calling me to work with refugees.” Mira was looking for a position in which to serve refugees, so she did a Google search and found...