Local Reach: Milford, Kansas
At 16 years old, Kiah was struggling with anxiety and depression. She was isolating from her parents and hanging out with friends who encouraged her in gender identity struggles. She had turned her back on...
The Mira Kim Candidate Story
Mira Kim’s Candidate Story: The Journey to Ministry “From a very young age I knew that I lived between two different cultures. When I became a youth missionary it became very clear that God was...
The Emily Mitchell Candidate Story
“I was in line for the next big step at my job, but I knew I wanted to serve God in a different way.” So how does someone transition from a career to serving in...
Doris and Dave's ministry update
Enjoy Doris and Dave's ministry update video!
The Chaplain Dalsis Story
Chaplain (Captain) Travis Dalsis: Reaching Local in Fort Polk, Louisiana Soldiers face a unique set of challenges in their daily life, filled with hardships. But who can they turn to when they are overwhelmed or...
The Jasperson Story
Doris and Dave Jasperson: Reaching Local in Rice Lake, Wisconsin It doesn’t matter what your addiction is. It could be alcohol, meth, heroin, pornography, gambling. There’s just no recovery without Jesus. When I first connected...