May 2022
Circle: Spring 2022

The reason and the passion for why I want to serve refugees and immigrants here in South Philadelphia is that I was born here. The opportunity to serve your own neighborhood—there’s nothing more rewarding...
My Candidate Story: Mira Kim The reason and the passion for why I want to serve refugees and immigrants here in South Philadelphia is that I was born here. The opportunity to serve your own...
March 2022
Circle: Autumn 2021

Hello, As you may already know, I am retiring at the end of this year from my leadership role at InFaith. I’ve had an amazing 14 years here; God has done some incredible things...
InFaith is built on the Word of God and our personal faith in Jesus Christ. We hold to the great foundational truths of the historic Christian faith held in common by like-minded evangelical Christians with...
March 2021
Circle: Spring 2021

Camp Galilee, La Follette, TN Mark & Mellissa Lay “We have so many children that live for the camp experience,” says Mark Lay, who serves as camp director with his wife, Mellissa, at Camp...
Camp Galilee, La Follette, TN Mark & Mellissa Lay “We have so many children that live for the camp experience,” says Mark Lay, who serves as camp director with his wife, Mellissa, at Camp Galilee...
February 2021
Circle: Autumn 2020

Never Stop Loving: All Kinds of Locals We stand and wait in of one of the most challenging times in our recent history. After COVID-19 we all look at each other differently. Stimulus packages...
Never Stop Loving: All Kinds of Locals We stand and wait in of one of the most challenging times in our recent history. After COVID-19 we all look at each other differently. Stimulus packages, ZOOM...
March 2020
Circle: Spring 2020

Reach Local: Serving Those Who Serve The Travis Dalsis Story: Fort Polk, Louisiana In the pre-dawn darkness on the U.S. Army installation of Fort Polk, Louisiana, InFaith-endorsed Chaplain (Captain) Travis Dalsis leads a hundred or...
Reach Local: Serving Those Who Serve The Travis Dalsis Story: Fort Polk, Louisiana In the pre-dawn darkness on the U.S. Army installation of Fort Polk, Louisiana, InFaith-endorsed Chaplain (Captain) Travis Dalsis leads a hundred or so...
September 2019
Circle: Autumn 2019

Bridging the Gap: Hope in the Midst of Addiction “Doris doesn’t judge anyone,” says Steven Roatch. “She’s always there to listen.” For those, like Steven, who are coming out of drug addiction and jail...
Bridging the Gap: Hope in the Midst of Addiction “Doris doesn’t judge anyone,” says Steven Roatch. “She’s always there to listen.” For those, like Steven, who are coming out of drug addiction and jail, finding...
September 2018
Circle: Autumn 2018

Just say Y.E.S. — A local called home Alone. Sixteen-year-old Zoey* stood on the side of the road as her dad drove out of view. He had just kicked her out of the car...
Just say Y.E.S. — A local called home Alone. Sixteen-year-old Zoey* stood on the side of the road as her dad drove out of view. He had just kicked her out of the car when...
February 2018
Circle: Spring 2018

REACH LOCAL: GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Glenwood takes up about one square mile of the city of Greensboro, North Carolina. In that square mile over twenty languages are spoken, forty percent of the people live...
REACH LOCAL: GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Glenwood takes up about one square mile of the city of Greensboro, North Carolina. In that square mile over twenty languages are spoken, forty percent of the people live in...
August 2017
Circle: Autumn 2017

FOR US, THE GOSPEL IS STILL LOCAL. In May 1958, Betty Glover - a single registered nurse in her thirties - moved to the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee to become a missionary to those...
FOR US, THE GOSPEL IS STILL LOCAL. In May 1958, Betty Glover - a single registered nurse in her thirties - moved to the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee to become a missionary to those living...