Showing 71 - 80 of 509 results
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Simple Mission

InFaith has a simple mission: we want to enable people, empowered by the Spirit, to love others because Jesus first loved them. It's that simple. We have people all across this nation reaching their local communities on a mission to testify about Jesus.



Live InFaith

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What's Next?

God calls us all to reach locally, but He calls us in unique ways. What's your part? Pray for us. We want God's presence to rest on us. We want the truth of God's redeeming work in the world to be realized in the United States. Give to us. If you have a passion for the United States, we can...

Thank You For Your Submission


Circle Thank You


Circle: Autumn 2016

circle fall 2016

Reach Local. Kids’ Lives Change.

Children are often the ones forgotten and ignored in the face of poverty or addictions at home. Many who serve with InFaith love and care for the next generation in their communities by providing programs that share the amazing truths of God’s love and create consistent, safe environments.

Jim & Teri Wilson in Kearney, Nebraska


November 2016


Circle: Spring 2016

circle spring 2016

Reach Local. Change Lives.

An intricate golden temple sits on the street corner across from Mifflin Square Park, with whiffs of exotically flavored meat on a stick filling the air from street vendors’ stands. It feels like a scene out of an adventure movie set in Asia, instead of what it is – a city block in South Philadelphia, just


November 2016


Circle: Autumn 2015

circle fall 2015

I Reach Local Because I Live Here.

“This is my valley,” Rick Ediger says, pointing across the central Colorado landscape, his rough hands hinting of car oil around his fingernails. “This is the place God has given me [for ministry]. Aren’t I lucky?” he adds as tears pool in the corners of his eyes.

Earlier that day, Rick had been


November 2016


September 2015

Reach Local in Southwest Washington

Lewis and Clark concluded their pioneering survey of the western United States in southwestern Washington. This beautiful area stretching along the Pacific coast with Portland to the south, Seattle to the north, and overlooked by Washington’s highest peak – Mt. Rainer – once again needs a pioneering survey, but this time of a spiritual nature


September 2015


November 2015

Reach Local in Rural Nevada

InFaith has been ministering to an area 100 miles north, south and east of Reno, Nevada for years. (We had a missionary start a Sunday School there in 1915!) This section of rural western Nevada is marked by a spiritual dryness that reflects the starkness of the desert landscape. InFaith is looking for the right


November 2015


January 2016

Wanted: Rugged Adventurer

In the starkly beautiful high country of the Rocky Mountains, you run across the occasional adventure-sport junkies, off-roading fanatics, and shepherds from Latin America contracted by local ranchers to care for their sheep. Herding sheep is a lonely job, marked by wind and silence, with a sheep dog as your only companion. InFaith is looking for rugged


January 2016


March 2016

Organized? Love kids and Christian camping?

Do you love developing policies, working with numbers, updating legal documents, coordinating communication, and doing it all so that a Christian camp can function properly? If so, our camp office manager position in Idaho might just be the answer to the call you’ve felt on your life! We’re looking for someone to act as


March 2016


May 2016

Inner-City Children’s Ministry Director Needed 

Do you have a heart for children who are shaped by the inner-city neighborhood in which they live? We’re looking for someone to join other InFaith field staff at a community church in the Kensington section of Philadelphia. You’ll oversee a team of volunteers who run the children’s program, which includes kid’s clubs, an after-school


May 2016


July 2016

“Gang Church” Pastor Needed

In an economically poor area comprised of many Spanish-speaking farmworkers and gang members, we are looking for someone to be the lead pastor of a developing “gang church”. Working with our current field staff members, the candidate will help to continue to develop and expand a church plant focused on former members of gangs and their


July 2016


September 2016

Youth Center Program Director Needed

Want to help provide a safe, fun place for kids to hang out and learn about God after school? We’re looking for someone to join a well-established youth center ministry in Kearney, Nebraska, as program director. This is an opportunity to impact the lives of children and youth through job training, academic & emotional support


September 2016

Media Page

The Bickel Story

Kevin & Gina Bickel: Reaching Local in Hungry Horse, Montana Note: The Bickels have since been called to another ministry role. We bless them and are thankful for the work they’ve done in this community. Gina: The first time I came to Hungry Horse, I just fell in love with the kids. There’s a lot of brokenness in this community...



Blog Thank You


Thank You




Create Your Own Ministry


Circle: Autumn 2021

Circle Newsletter Autumn 2021

Hello, As you may already know, I am retiring at the end of this year from my leadership role at InFaith. I’ve had an amazing 14 years here; God has done some incredible things. You’ll hear more about His faithfulness in the issue that you’re about to read. I’m really thankful for the bedrock that this ministry is founded on


March 2022


Children's Ministry in Texas


Dallas, TX
United States

Join a supportive community of fellow InFaith field staffers leading a vibrant network of Kids for Christ clubs in underserved...


Field Staff Video


Website Support


Field Staff


Annual Report


Summer Staff Financial FAQs

Media Page

The Wilson Story

Jim & Teri Wilson: Reaching Local in Kearney, Nebraska Jim: Press On Community Youth Center is a place for kids to come where they can feel safe and loved. We have a bus that we use to pick up kids, because if we didn’t go to their homes, they would not come. Many of these kids don’t have any Godly...
Media Page

The Grainge Story

Grainge video thumbnail
David & Lisa Grainge: Reaching Local in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania David: It’s what Jesus calls us to do—go where the gospel is not preached; go make disciples of all nations. The nations have come here, to South Philadelphia, and we have an opportunity to share the gospel with refugees and immigrants from as far away as Cambodia and Africa. Lisa: When...
Media Page

The Ediger Story

Rick Ediger: Reaching Local in Poncha Springs, Colorado Why do I reach local? Because I am local—I live here, I work with these people and interact with them. I see them every day. They trust me. I was in town one day when a lady approached me. She had a broken belt on her car, and I thought, “I can...
Media Page

The Moran Story

Freddy Moran: Reaching Local in Monmouth, Oregon I was in the restaurant industry for many years, until I came to a point in my life where it felt like everything went wrong. I went from a great year of winning awards to the following year where I was the worst general manager. I felt abandoned and alone. But after coming...
Media Page

Reach Local

Boy with Kite
InFaith's field staff has been reaching local for years, using the gifts and abilities God has given us to reach people in our local communities by responding to the needs we see around us. Young or old, rich or poor; lonely, lost or powerless - no matter who you are, you can reach local in your community! So What's Up...
Media Page

Why Reach Local?

Ridge Burns, former Executive Director/CEO, InFaith At InFaith, we try to find the dark. We go into our local communities where the light of Jesus needs to shine. We do our best to identify a person's giftedness and passions, and then find local opportunities for them to use those gifts. And when they do, they find joy. They find God...
Media Page

Doris and Dave's ministry update

Enjoy Doris and Dave's ministry update video!

2021 Tax Benefits Letter


Rising to the Occasion

In these challenging and tumultuous times we are so blessed to share how our ministries have flexed and adapted to rise to the needs of the locals we serve. Below, see our latest stories and connect with our field staffers' pages where you can read more about the places they're called and support them in the work.


Ministry Now


Circle: Spring 2020

spring circle 2020

Reach Local: Serving Those Who Serve

The Travis Dalsis Story: Fort Polk, Louisiana

In the pre-dawn darkness on the U.S. Army installation of Fort Polk, Louisiana, InFaith-endorsed Chaplain (Captain) Travis Dalsis leads a hundred or so soldiers in physical training (PT). He pauses between exercises to give words of encouragement and talk about resilience. Travis does the exercises with three groups


March 2020


September 2019

Video: Hope in the Midst of Addiction

Whatever the addiction – meth, alcohol, heroin, marijuana, opioids, gambling, or pornography – there is a person behind it with a story of pain, brokenness, and shame. Enter InFaith’s Doris and Dave Jasperson, who started The Gap—a refurbished old house where people in recovery can meet for support, accountability, mentoring, and counseling


September 2019

Media Page

The Chaplain Dalsis Story

Chaplain dalsis thumbnail
Chaplain (Captain) Travis Dalsis: Reaching Local in Fort Polk, Louisiana Soldiers face a unique set of challenges in their daily life, filled with hardships. But who can they turn to when they are overwhelmed or discouraged and need someone to listen? Chaplains walk alongside soldiers and go through the challenges and struggles soldiers face every day. Chaplains are the calming...

September 2019

Our missionaries are at a crisis point: their funding is shrinking because of inflation. The average InFaith missionary has lost $4,979—in terms of buying power—to cover basic household and ministry expenses since 2010. Will you help our missionaries keep up with inflation by increasing your regular gift to them by at least 10%? Or if you don’t yet financially support any of our missionaries, would you start now? Go to


September 2019


Circle: Autumn 2019

Circle fall 2019

Bridging the Gap: Hope in the Midst of Addiction

“Doris doesn’t judge anyone,” says Steven Roatch. “She’s always there to listen.”

For those, like Steven, who are coming out of drug addiction and jail, finding a place where they aren’t judged can be difficult, even in Barron County, Wisconsin, where—as in much of the nation—methamphetamine addiction has become a major


September 2019


How You Can Help


Find an InFaith Camp


March 2021

What’s InFaith All About? 

We put on an event last month to help explain more about InFaith as a whole and share interviews with several field staffers about their ministries around the country. We also loved sharing in some laughs with Ridge Burns & Christian comedian Brad Stine.

If you weren’t able to join us that night, you can watch


March 2021


Circle: Spring 2021

Spring circle 2021

Camp Galilee, La Follette, TN

Mark & Mellissa Lay

“We have so many children that live for the camp experience,” says Mark Lay, who serves as camp director with his wife, Mellissa, at Camp Galilee in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee. Some of their campers come from homes without adequate water, heat, or indoor plumbing. “It’s so sad to see


March 2021


Circle: Autumn 2020

Circle fall 2020

Never Stop Loving: All Kinds of Locals

We stand and wait in of one of the most challenging times in our recent history. After COVID-19 we all look at each other differently. Stimulus packages, ZOOM meetings, and grocery stores have tried to meet many of our needs in these past months. But who is standing in the gap for those


February 2021


non-profit quiz



ECFA charter logo

InFaith is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. The ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, board governance, integrity in fundraising, and proper use of charity resources.



At InFaith, we call our long-term missionaries field staff. Our field staff work part-time and full-time, spreading the gospel and meeting practical needs in local communities all across the continental United States!


Facilities Manager at Galilee Bible Camp


LaFollette, TN
United States

We are searching for a Facilities Manager for Galilee Bible Camp (GBC) in LaFollette, Tennessee. The Facilities Manager will maintain...


March 2017

To the Least, the Lost, the Lonely

"No one should be alone," InFaith's Ken Quintus says. "The church is called to go to the least, the lost, the lonely. The hope is that they will turn from darkness into the light of Jesus." Mason City, where Ken does much of his jail and reentry aftercare ministry, is a hub for


March 2017


Circle: Spring 2017

circle spring 2017


InFaith has been reaching locally—actively responding to needs around us—for 200 years. In 1817, Philadelphia was full of children who worked six days a week, with no chance to go to school or learn how to read. A group of local people got together and formed our mission to address the


March 2017


January 2017

2017 marks InFaith's 200th anniversary!

Our mission officially formed on May 13, 1817. From pioneering Sunday schools among poor children, to working with Native Americans, publishing books, sending missionary nurses to Appalachia, pioneering Christian camping, and meeting the needs of immigrants and refugees—our mission has been responding to local needs in the United States and teaching the unchanging truth


January 2017


What's Next?


Camp Director and Area Missionary in Oklahoma


United States

We are looking for the next camp director of Camp Joy, located near Guthrie in north-central Oklahoma. Camp Joy is...

Media Page

The Quintus Story

Ken Quintus: Reaching Local in Mason City, Iowa I serve locally in a post-jail, post-prison ministry. My ministry includes follow-up and one-on-one mentoring, small group Bible study and support groups, and transitional housing for men who are either on probation or parole. My main mission is to create an environment that helps position people to meet God through Jesus Christ...
Media Page

Considering InFaith?

Are you considering InFaith? Hear from our missionaries about why InFaith may be the perfect place for you. They'll answer questions like: How does InFaith serve you? How did you sense God's call for you? How can you make the transition from your current job to being with InFaith? What is it like to raise your support? How have you...

November 2016

Reach Local: Hungry Horse, Montana

“Our ministry exists because there’s no other place like it in Hungry Horse; there’s no other place for these kids to go. And in a lot of these kids’ lives, this is the only place that shows them the love of Jesus.” Kevin and Gina Bickel reach their local community of Hungry Horse, Montana through


November 2016

Media Page

The Dayna Carr Story

Dayna Carr: Reaching Local in Greensboro, North Carolina At the core of everything is relationship. We live here. We are residents in this community, and we are neighbors to the people that surround us. As you live in and become part of the fabric of the community, you more clearly understand the needs there. I spent a summer here in...

Peter's Story


Scholarships for Missionaries


Skip the Nonprofit Hassle. Join InFaith.

Media Page

Hidden Local: Homeless Youth

Hidden Local — A Young Man’s Journey Out of Homelessness “I’d probably still be living under a bridge if it wasn’t for an InFaith youth shelter.” Instead of going to school, Zach* spent his days scrounging for food and figuring out where he would sleep each night after his dad abandoned him when he was just 16-years-old. He soon started...

Leader of Children’s Ministry at Glade Park Church


Glade Park, CO
United States

We are searching for an individual or couple to develop and lead the children’s ministry at a small, gospel-centered community...


Prayer Board


September 2018

Video: Helping Homeless Youth in Oregon

There are 300 homeless children and youth — out of only 3,000 students—in The Dalles, Oregon, according to local educators. Enter the Youth Empowerment Shelter (Y.E.S.). Started in 2014 by InFaith’s Gary and Linda Casady, Y.E.S.’s mission is to provide a place of physical and emotional safety for youth in crisis.

“These kids


September 2018


Circle: Autumn 2018

Circle fall 2018

Just say Y.E.S. — A local called home 

Alone. Sixteen-year-old Zoey* stood on the side of the road as her dad drove out of view. He had just kicked her out of the car when they’d started fighting on their drive back to Portland after a visit to her uncle’s house. Her disagreements with her father had been getting more


September 2018

Media Page

The Casady Story

Gary & Linda Casady: Reaching Local in The Dalles, Oregon I’m Gary Cassady and my wife and I work with the Youth Empowerment Shelter here in The Dalles.* A lot of kids around here are in crisis. We felt like someone needed to do something. Once the kids enter the house we see them move from agitation to peace. We...
Media Page

The Betty Glover Story

Betty Glover: Reaching Local in LaFollette, Tennessee In 1958, InFaith’s Betty Glover, armed with her nursing knowledge and the gospel of Christ, moved to the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee to minister to those living in poverty. Her nursing career could have taken her anywhere, but it beckoned her to the poorest areas of these mountains, caring for needs that called...

Circle: Autumn 2017

Circle 2017


In May 1958, Betty Glover - a single registered nurse in her thirties - moved to the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee to become a missionary to those living in extreme poverty deep in the mountains. The coal mines had recently shut down in this part of Tennessee. All of the men had started work


August 2017


Returning Missionary?


July 2017

Seeds of Change

by Rich Cundall, InFaith Board of Trustees

One hundred years ago, the faithfulness of one man changed the trajectory of my family's lives. In 1911, InFaith missionary C.A. Fahlgren recognized that there had been no gospel presence in Saline County Kansas for several decades. So he knocked on the door of Charles Buck, the trustee of the


July 2017


May 2017

What It Means to Reach Local

by Dixie Massey, InFaith Board of Trustees

I grew up a part of the heritage work of InFaith. My dad was a missionary with InFaith and his work in Wyoming looked very much like the work of the early missionaries when our country was young. For him in rural Wyoming, reaching local meant driving


May 2017


Privacy Policy

This is InFaith's private policy. InFaith wants you to feel comfortable sharing your personal information with us.


May 2018

Summer Staff Profile: Ashley Watkins

Meet Ashley Watkins, one of our 2018 InFaith summer staffers. Some of her favorite things are rømmegrøt (a Norwegian pudding), the color orange, and the movies Tangled and The Princess Bride. But her greatest passions are God and horses. This summer, she gets to work in a ministry that combines those passions in a


May 2018


March 2018

Hidden Locals

Our country has a hidden underbelly—sex trafficking, drug abuse, and homelessness. It’s here in our own country. But there are ministries that reach out to the people and systems that make up this evil, often-unseen part of our nation. However, these pockets of needs throughout the United States are so raw and InFaith’s work so sensitive that we


March 2018

Media Page

Hidden Local: Unseen Realities

Hidden Local — A Portrayal of One Woman's True Story Our country has a hidden underbelly—sex trafficking, drug abuse, and homelessness. It’s here in our own country. But there are ministries that reach out to the people and systems that make up this evil, often-unseen part of our nation. However, these pockets of needs throughout the United States are so...